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Author: Tèng

Avoiding ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded

Avoiding ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded

source: Avoiding ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded | Mark Hoxey ( If you’re trying to run your database as close to 24×7 as possible, with no downtime for updates, then one thing you will need to avoid is the following error: ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded Package state comes about when a package has variables or cursors defined at the package level, as opposed to local variables within procedures and functions. According to the PL/SQL…

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CQRS Software Architecture Pattern: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

CQRS Software Architecture Pattern: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Designing scalable architecture with CQRS and transactional outbox patterns Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash The Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) it’s an architectural pattern where the main focus is to separate the way of reading and writing data. This pattern uses two separate models: Queries — Which are responsible for reading data Commands — Which are responsible for update data In a Nutshell – The Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern separates read and update operations for…

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How to auto-capitalize keyboard/entry in xamarin forms

How to auto-capitalize keyboard/entry in xamarin forms

Introduction: The Keyboard class also has a Create factory method that can be used to customize a keyboard by specifying capitalization, spellcheck, and suggestion behavior   Description: KeyboardFlags enumeration values are specified as arguments to the method, with a customized Keyboard being returned. The KeyboardFlags enumeration contains the following values: None – no features are added to the keyboard. CapitalizeSentence – indicates that the first letter of the first word of each entered sentence will be automatically capitalized.  Spellcheck –…

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Domain-Driven Design Handbook

Domain-Driven Design Handbook

Source: How to apply 1. Hear the story2. Understand terms3. Extract scenarios4. Select use cases5. Model concepts6. Write tests + code7. Connect to the infrastructure 1. Hear the story The first and most important step of programming. A person who knows the domain, the topic we are going to program, has to explain it to us. Such a person is known as a domain expert. We have to listen carefully. Car dealer is the domain expert. The car dealer…

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[Hướng dẫn] Fix iMessage

[Hướng dẫn] Fix iMessage

Hôm nay, mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn Fix iMessage, mong bài viết này sẽ hữu ích với các bạn. Bạn có thể làm theo hướng dẫn này từ Window, MacOS, Linux.   CHUẨN BỊ: Nếu bạn đang đăng nhập iCloud thì hãy thoát ra hết nhé Bạn cần tải: 1. GenSMBIOS (Bấm vào “Code” góc phải -> Download ZIP) 2. Tor Browser (trình duyệt Tor) 3. Hackintool Cách làm: Cách 1: Cách tốn thời gian. Đầu tiên, bạn cài…

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50 thiên kiến nhận thức

50 thiên kiến nhận thức

1. Lỗi quy chụp căn bản: Khi người khác đến muộn, đó là do họ lười. Khi bạn đến muộn, đó là do đường tắc. 2. Thiên kiến tự phục vụ: Bạn nghĩ mình thành công là nhờ năng lực và bản thân, còn thất bại là do hoàn cảnh hoặc thiếu may mắn. 3. Ưu đãi bè phái: Bạn có xu hướng thiên vị thành viên nhóm mình hơn những người khác. 4. Hiệu ứng đoàn tàu: Bạn chạy…

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Manual Oracle Uninstall

Manual Oracle Uninstall

A number of people have contacted me regarding problems uninstalling Oracle products. The two methods listed below should only be used as a last resort and will remove *all* Oracle software allowing a re-install. If you make any mistakes they can be quite destructive so be careful. Windows UNIX Windows In the past I’ve had many problems uninstalling all Oracle products from Windows systems. Here’s my last resort method: Uninstall all Oracle components using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). Run regedit.exe and delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Oracle key….

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Debezium with Oracle 11g

Debezium with Oracle 11g

Versions in use Kafka 2.3.0 / Confluent Platform 5.3.0 Debezium 0.10 Oracle 11g EE tl;dr It works, though you need some small adjustments to the DB setup that is described in the Debezium Tutorial Using Oracle. You need a minimum version of You also need an Oracle license for XStream in addition to your 11g database. Watch out for Oracle data types that come through Debezium as a byte array: KSQL can’t read it, so you need some other way…

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XStream Inbound… A Sample Java Program

XStream Inbound… A Sample Java Program

Oracle XStream is a new feature of Oracle Database 11g Release 2. Though it has been developed by the Streams team and is part of the database, XStream is part of GoldenGate! And now that the GoldenGate deal has been closed, 7 days before Oracle Openworld, it’s easy to guess why XStream went out a few hours ago. This post is about XStream; it provides a Java program that uses “XStream In” to enqueue messages to a buffered queue. A…

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XStream Outbound… A sample Java Program

XStream Outbound… A sample Java Program

Like with XStream InBound in my previous post, you’ll find below a simple Java for XStream Outbound. This new program subscribes to Streams captured changes. Does it sound easy ? It is, like you’ll figure out below. Step 1: Create a Sample Schema For this sample program, create a schema and a table : connect / as sysdbacreate user source identified by source default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;grant connect,resource to source;col dbname new_value dbnameselect value dbname from v$parameterwhere name=’db_unique_name’;prompt &&dbnameconnect…

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