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Category: C#

Throttling Concurrent Outgoing HTTP Requests in .NET Core

Throttling Concurrent Outgoing HTTP Requests in .NET Core

In my last post, we implemented the rate limiting for an API endpoint on the server side. The server side rate limiting is useful for API providers to ensure system performance and/or to realize business values. On the client side, the API consumers then should throttle the rate of concurrent HTTP requests in order to comply with the rate limits of the endpoints and moderate the usage of client side resources. This post will go over how to make concurrent outgoing HTTP requests on the client…

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Detect pivot table in Microsoft Excel using Interop c#

Detect pivot table in Microsoft Excel using Interop c#

Here is some code for reference. Identify the overall Range occupied by PivotTables in the sheet and validate whether the cell is a part of the Range.

For refresh pivot table:


Property Design

Property Design

Although properties are technically very similar to methods, they are quite different in terms of their usage scenarios. They should be seen as smart fields. They have the calling syntax of fields, and the flexibility of methods. ✓ DO create get-only properties if the caller should not be able to change the value of the property. Keep in mind that if the type of the property is a mutable reference type, the property value can be changed even if the property…

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